The 7 Chakra Energy Bracelet

7th Chakra: Crown


Amethyst is a symbol of calm, purity and peace. Amethyst also is dispels fear, soothes rage and relieves panic attacks. In addition; Amethyst also detoxes and cleanses the body, mind and soul. Those who struggle with a feeling anxious,  Amethyst can also help clear those clouds away

6th Chakra : Brow


Sodalite is asscociated with communicaton and emotional balance. Sodalite encourages intuition and truth

5th Chakra: Thyroid


Angelite is thought to improve spirituality and spiritual awareness, with a peaceful energy that is calming and soothing. Angelite promotes communication and self-express while dispelling fear, anger and anxiety. Angelic is very high vibrational stone that activates and aligns our throat, third eye, and crown chakras.
This stone will help attune oneself to a higher frequency, which helps connect both their guardian
angels and spirit guides.

4th Chakra: Heart

Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine is associated with strength, happiness and confidence. It is also known for the “Stone of Opportunity” and thought to be very lucky.

3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus


Citrine is the stone of abundance, success and optimism. It is also know for the “happy” stone due to its cheerful colour. In addition, Citrine raises self-esteem and self-confidence and attracts positive energy

2nd Chakra : Spleen


Carnelian is a stone that provides high energy levels.It encourages you to feel confident and motivated in your everyday life. In addition, Carnelian is also know as ‘the bloodstone’, promoting health and vitality throughout the body.

1st Chakra : Root

Red Jasper

Red Jasper helps with balancing and grounding. Red Jasper is a nurturing stone and supports you in the time of crisis.

The 7 Chakra Crystal Kit is an addition and can be purchased along side the bracelet.  Each crystal kit contains   1x Amethyst, 1x Sodalite 1x Angelite 1xGreen Aventurine 1x Citrine 1x Carnelian 1xRed Jasper and comes with a detailed crystal care guide on how to clean, use and charge them.


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